A Book Apart

Meet the Team: Danielle Small

Apr 06, 2022

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A Black nonbinary person smiles and leans against their hand. They are wearing a grey shirt and silver nose jewelry.

Meet the Team

Next up in our Meet the Team series is Danielle Small, our incredible freelance editor. They tell us about savoring sunshine, finding great joy in caring for all things green, and keeping up with lots of hobbies like boxing, woodworking, and playing music.

ABA: What do you do at ABA? (What did you do prior? Or if part-time, what other work do you do?)

Danielle: Content design lead at Twitter

ABA: Where do you live and what do you love about your home?

DS: I live in Clearwater, Florida. I love being minutes from the beach and waking up to sunny days. Living here has done wonders for my mental health.

What’s the first thing you do every morning to start your day on the right foot?

DS: I sit on my balcony, do some deep breathing, and check in with myself.

When you’re not working, how do you like to spend your time?

DS: I collect hobbies like they’re Pokemons lol. I love moving my body—lifting weights, biking, skateboarding, roller skating, boxing, and running. I recently started woodworking again. Something about using a saw is a really meditative experience for me. Taking care of my plants and growing herbs and vegetables bring me immense joy. And I love anything with music. I’m a mediocre guitar player and I’m teaching myself how to play piano and make beats.

What’s your favorite thing to come home to after a long day outside of the house?

DS: What’s this outside you speak of? When I have a long day outside, which doesn’t happen often, I like to come home to a clean house and my cats.

What book have you read and loved lately?

DS: Detransition Baby by Torrey Peters

How do you make working remotely work for you?

DS: Having a private outdoor space is key.

What is your favorite thing about your workspace?

DS: I’m lucky enough to have an entire office to myself. I love how intentional the space feels because I spent so much time curating an environment that nourishes me.

In moments of self-doubt, how do you recharge and rally to keep going?

DS: I take a break and go outside myself to get perspective.

Is there a piece of professional or life advice you’ve gotten that has always stuck with you? What is it?

DS: “It’s just a job.”

Get to know more of the people who make A Book Apart go—browse the rest of our Meet the Team series!


PS: Our next title is launching March 29th! Learn more about Leading Content Design by Rachel McConnell—and preorder now!